Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Trying to stay out of jail

Attempted murder, perjury, theft – all in a days work (actually 4 hours work) for Kincaid.

In five-year-old terms it actually comes down to throwing a cup at your sister’s head because she wouldn’t bring something to you, lying about it, and “innocently” taking a cheese quesadilla for “Josh” off the server’s hands because, of course, they had the name wrong. Or to quote exactly, “Mom, they were trying to give my cheese quesadilla to somebody named Josh! Can you believe that??? I mean, I didn’t have mine yet & they always bring it out, so they obviously had the wrong name.” All this while I’m setting down our tray with what? A cheese quesadilla, of course.

On some days, these crimes may have been overlooked as mere sibling rivalry, imaginative thinking and rainmaking. But, today, I’m just hoping to keep him out of jail.

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